As a new feature, our editor supports now saving/autosaving of drafts. This feature is only available for logged-in users. There are three occasions, where your text in the editor gets saved:
- Automatically, whenever you stop writing, 5 seconds after the last key stroke.
- [EDITED] When you leave the editor and load for instance another page or switch to another post (for instance when you start to write an answer and decide then first to write a comment), you have to push the "Save draft" button on the bottom right of the editor.. If you leave the page, you still get alerted as already known before.
- Manually, when you push the "Save draft" button on the bottom right of the editor.
For answers and comments, the saved drafts are bound to the parent posts. If you start for instance to write an answer to a question with the ID 12345, get this draft saved, then decide to first answer the question with the ID 54321, you will find the first saved draft when you open again the editor to answer the first question. Asking a question is an exception to this, only one draft for a question gets stored. It reappears always, when you start to ask a question.
Drafts get deleted at the following occasions:
- When you submit a post, the corresponding draft gets deleted.
- Automatically, some time (to be defined yet, for instance a week, or a month) after the last update of a draft. This feature is ready, but not yet installed. It shall prevent drafts to trail on the server forever. Please propose a time span that you consider as convenient for you.
If already existing posts get edited, the feature is off, because there might be an ambiguity between the existing post and a draft with the same parent.
For privacy reasons, the saved drafts are only accessible to the logged-in user that saved it, nobody else.
To my knowledge, we are the first site based on the Question2Answer framework, which has a server based save/autosave feature.