I've been watching Tachikawa's talk.
Recent advances in Supersymmetry
around 38 minutes he talks about objects in H3(M,ZN) with the property that
He says due to self duality in 6D dimensions two intersecting cycles C and C' with C∩C′≠0 are mutually non local.
It seems that mutually non-local means ∫Ma∧b≠0
But why is this true, what happens when a theory is self dual?
What happens when you add supersymmetry?
He talks about the self dual 3 form what about other fields in the theory?
Is there a fermionic(or supersymmetric) generalization to H3(M,ZN)?
What is the recipe to construct the partition vector?
Is there any detailed exposition of the subject ? What books discuss the object H3(M,ZN)? I am familiar with the basic ideas of co-homology for U(1) gauge groups, but I have never really studied its generalization to other gauge groups.
Please excuse me if my questions are naive or too simple.
Edit: I have attached the related slides