Suppose non-trivial vacuum configuration of the Yang-Mills theory with the winding number n:
The winding number is given by the surface integral of topological density over the 3-sphere:
In various literature sources (for example, in Rubakov's "Classical gauge fields. Bosons") people often rewrite the surface integral (2) in terms of volume integral:
where F is the gauge field strength and ˜F=∗F is its dual. They claim that (3) and (2) are equivalent. But in fact (2) gives non-zero integer result for the pure gauge (1), while (3) vanishes! This can be seen by choosing the 4-dimensional euclidean manifold to be the "cylinder", with the planes being defined by τ=±∞. Then in the gauge A0=0 we obtain from (3)
The precise reason is that we include ϵμναβtr[∂μFναAβ] term in the action when converting the surface integral into the volume integral.
So why do people say that (2) and (3) are equivalent?