(14) The Navigation Bars
There are four navigation bars on Physics Overflow, in addition to a footer.
Note: To users with JavaScript disabled, the HeadBar and the Admin Bar do not appear and their contents appear as a part of the NavBar.
I. The TopBar
The top-most bar contains account-related matters, link to Moderation (usable by 500+ rep users only), and a search widget.

On the left-most (in red), there is a link to one's user profile.
Next, (in blue), one's total reputation on Physics Overflow is written.
Next, there is a link to edit one's account details, user profile, and so on.
This is followed by a list of one's updates, which is less comprehensive than the User History which can be found on the SubNavBar of one's profile page.
II. The HeadBar
The HeadBar is the bar in the header, next to the logo.

- Ask Question allows one to ask a question
- All Activity shows the recent activity on Physics Overflow.
- Tags is a list of tags on Physics Overflow.
- Categories shows the categories on Physics Overflow.
- Users is a list of Physics Overflow users.
III. The Admin Bar
The Admin Bar contains the "Search User" link and all the tools that are not available to anonymous users, including:
- Search User (visible to all)
- Chat (visible to Registered Users)
- Import Votes (visible to Registered Users, usable by at least 500 rep)
- Moderate (visible to Registered Users, usable by at least 500 rep)
- Webmaster (visible to Admins)
- Admin (visible to Admins)
- Comment2Answer (visible to Admins)
- User Admin (visible to Admins, usable by Super-Admins)
- Import SE Question (visible to Super-Admins)

IV. The NavBar
The NavBar contains many links that can be seen by all users, listed below:
- Questions shows a list of the questions on Physics Overflow.
- Unanswered is a list of the unanswered questions on Physics Overflow.
- Reviews is the reviews category.
- Q&A is the Q&A.
- Meta is meta.
- Tag Wikis are the tag wikis of Physics Overflow, hosted on the Mathematics and Physics Wiki
- Blog is the blog associated with Physics Overflow, which was also used to discuss while starting the site up.
- Featured ! is a list of questions with a bounty on.

V. The SubNavBar
The SubNavBar is used to list subpages, etc. of a particular page. It is found only on certain pages, e.g. user pages, the questions page, and the admin panel. On the users page, it contains the following links on the user pages:
- Wall (Public Message Wall)
- Recent Activity (not as comprehensive as the user history)
- All questions (posted by the user)
- All answers (posted by the user)
- History (User history, contains rep history, recent activity, updates, etc., some things are hidden from public view)
The questions page contains the following subpages in the SubNavBar:
- Recent questions
- Hot questions (questions with a lot of activity, votes, views, etc.)
- Questions with a high net score
- Questions with many answers
- Questions with a lot of views
The Admin Panel does not need further documentation.
VI. The Footer
The footer is not a navigation bar, but it contains a link to a form to contact the site's Super-Administrators privately, and a link to the Question2Answer (the software that we use) official website, and a note saying that the theme used is "OverSnow", short for "Physics OverSnow" by polarkernel, based on the standard Snow theme.