We can bend a Laser beam by varying the refraction coefficient of the air.
We can bend a Laser beam by dispersing into the air small particles that have the same effect on the Laser Beam and small water particles have a on light when they make a rainbow.
We can bend a Laser beam if we have sufficient mass available to attract the Laser beam.
If you were to make an umbrella for rain using a Laser beam what technical approach would you use, please?
(If you were to bend a Laser Beam what technical approach would you use, please?)
Say that I want to bend the light trajectory. I can do it varying the refraction index of the air, I can do it using a dispersion of transparent particles into the air (making a rainbow effect), I can do this by having a very heavy mass under the light beam. If you were asked to do this (to bend a light beam), how would you do this, please?