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First posted: 8 years
Type: Registered user
Full name: Violet Sullivan
Location: Australia

Know How To Use SEO For Organic Ranking

Organic SEO of your website for improved search results is both an art and a science, but it's not rocket science, as stated by the skilled seo sydney expert. The science part of SEO lies largely in understanding the algorithms, or formulas, used by the search engines to determine where sites rank and making decisions on which keywords - terms or phrases people use to conduct a search - to target. The "art" portion of SEO is how you go about implementing techniques for search engines to find you. Unfortunately, search engine algorithms change constantly and the search engines do what they can to keep their algorithms and techniques secret. While understanding the factors that are used for search rankings is akin to cracking a code, there is a wealth of information available on the web - some of it reliable and some of it not-so-reliable.


The purpose of this search engine optimization tutorial from the skilled seo brisbane consultant is to provide you with the important basics of SEO in the form of ten tips you can do yourself. Keyword research is the process of understanding what search terms or phrases your targeted site visitors might use to find you, and then selecting the right balance between keyword popularity - the number of times the word or phrase is used in a search - and competitiveness - the number of other websites that are trying to rank highly for those keywords, measured by the results returned by the search engine for the keyword phrase used. Finding frequently used keywords that relatively few sites are targeting is the challenge.



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