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Julian Moore

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First posted: 14 years
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I have a BSc in Physics from Bristol (where - now - Prof. Sir Michael Berry was one of my lecturers).

Despite not having pursued a scientific career, I have maintain an active interest in General Relativity, with particular emphasis on casaulity, spacetime topology and CTC machines, and am currently working on a paper in this area for submission (target journal PRD).

I confess to being reduced to cherry-picking results and being possessed of an incomplete grasp of many foundational topics and techniques and therefore greatly appreciate the assistance of those who are charitable enough to spell things out occasionally, rather than just saying e.g. "see Hawking and Ellis.": I have friends in observational cosmology but no access to GR theoreticians, which, if it were not for sites like this, would be an insurmountable barrier to completing my paper.

Activity by Julian Moore

Score: 40 points (ranked #771)      (breakdown)
Questions: 3
Answers: 0
Comments: 6
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 8 up votes, 0 down votes

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