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Peter Morgan

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First posted: 14 years
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Full name: Peter Morgan
Location: New Haven, CT
About: I'm slowly understanding quantum field theory. I believe I understand non-interacting quantum fields pretty well, I would say as a formalism for real signal analysis, and their relationship to classical random fields, but the mathematics and understanding of interacting quantum fields is harder. As a manifesto for PhysicsSE, I would say that research in Physics is a cooperative endeavour, in which productive failures are sometimes better for us than apparent successes. Sometimes seeing what is productive takes the ingenuity of many people and many years.

Activity by Peter Morgan

Score: 1,230 points (ranked #29)      (breakdown)
Questions: 20
Answers: 34
Comments: 113
Voted on: 52 questions, 68 answers
Gave out: 120 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 160 up votes, 1 down vote

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