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First posted: 4 years
Type: Registered user
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Even as a young boy, feelings of wonder and mystery and the desire to understand the physical world have been the center of my emotional life. First, a few words about my mentality and approach. The naive point of view of traditional scientific pursuits, which can be described as the gathering of knowledge in an already established conceptual framework, gave way in my teenage years to the perception that one must pay attention to the presuppositions underlying the application of our most basic concepts. This insight came mainly from my attempts to understand the special theory of relativity which showed that the speed of light sets a limit to the consistent application of the concept of velocity. 


I would say that, if asked to characterise my style of doing physics and mathematics, I am more inclined to use the word 'fundamental' rather than 'deep'. I would say that the latter word 'deep' corresponds to and is not much different than a highly 'technical' style, which is something that I came to understand only much later through finding examples of physicists who I considered to be 'deep.' I would say that 'deep' corresponds more to a type of personality than a style of doing physics. An example is Jean-Marie Souriau.


[excerpt from personal statement]

Activity by Prashant

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Comments: 18
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