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Sébastien Palcoux

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First posted: 11 years
Type: Registered user
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Full name: Sebastien Palcoux
Location: Beijing, China
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/sebastienpalcoux/home

Research Assistant Professor at the Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA), Huairou District, Beijing, China (supported by YMSC at Tsinghua University and directed by Prof. Shing-Tung Yau).

Research interest: Operator algebras, von Neumann algebras, subfactors, planar algebras, algebraic combinatorics, finite group theory, fusion categories, vertex operators algebras, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, conformal field theory, noncommutative geometry.

I'm mainly active on MathOverflow.

Data Explorer

Mathematics genealogy: Sebastien Palcoux < Antony John Wassermann < Jonathan Micah Rosenberg < Marc Aristide Rieffel < Richard Vincent Kadison < Marshall Harvey Stone < George David Birkhoff < Eliakim Hastings Moore < Hubert Anson Newton < Michel Chasles < Siméon Denis Poisson < Joseph Louis Lagrange < Leonhard Euler

Activity by Sébastien Palcoux

Score: 110 points (ranked #335)      (breakdown)
Questions: 5
Answers: 1
Comments: 9
Voted on: 1 question, 3 answers
Gave out: 4 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 23 up votes, 1 down vote

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