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Valter Moretti

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First posted: 11 years
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Full name: V. Moretti
Location: Italy
Website: moretti@science.unitn.it

I am a mathematical physicist (professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento, Italy). My research interests regard Mathematical Aspects of Relativistic and/or Quantum Theories, especially QFT in Curved Spacetime and its Algebraic Formulation. Another field of interest is quaternionic functional analysis applied to quantum mechanics. I also deal with geometric formulations of quantum mechanics. My lectures concern analytic mechanics and modern mathematical physics (relativity, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory and their mathematical formulation).

Activity by Valter Moretti

Score: 2,155 points (ranked #16)      (breakdown)
Questions: 4
Answers: 55
Comments: 135
Voted on: 15 questions, 11 answers
Gave out: 24 up votes, 2 down votes
Received: 224 up votes, 0 down votes

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