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PhysicsOverflow is a next-generation academic platform for physicists and astronomers, including a community peer review system and a postgraduate-level discussion forum analogous to MathOverflow.


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First posted: 13 years
Type: Moderator
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Full name: Dilaton
Website: Dilaton

PhysicsOverflow is meant to be some kind of a rebirth of the untimely passed away Theoretical Physics SE and a little physics brother of MathOverflow. Apart from the high-level Q&A, PhysicsOverflow offers a Reviews section, dedicated to discuss and peer review (mostly ArXiv but other sources can be considered too) papers publicly and "in real time". It should be some kind of a last precious place in the internet, where people can seriously discuss all by the real-world physics community as mainstream accepted physics topics, without getting continuously attacked, annoyed, and disturbed by crackpts, cranks, and trolls.

Activity by Dilaton

Score: 6,240 points (ranked #4)      (breakdown)
Questions: 231
Answers: 191
Comments: 1,819
Voted on: 2,514 questions, 2,258 answers
Gave out: 4,469 up votes, 303 down votes
Received: 736 up votes, 2 down votes

Wall for Dilaton

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Dear Dilaton, old age is catching up with me (turned 80 in april), and  I cannot remember the disagreements that made the split from physics.se. Could you give me a hint to restart my memory?
Jul 16, 2020 by anna v
Hi again, I found out what was the problem, when I hit "all comments"  the edit buton and the hidden came up, so no problem. I do not write often here and do not know the ropes
Jul 10, 2020 by anna v
Hi, I have trouble in trying to edit my comments, no edit button. It could be my computer which is old. I typed again an answer to Flamma's comment because I could not see my yesterday comment, until I posted today's !! as I said my computer is temperametal. But how can I delete or revise a comment? thanks
Jul 10, 2020 by anna v
Hi Dilaton. Do you know where Ron Maimon  is on the net now? He seems to have been blocked  in many venues. Anna
Jan 10, 2018 by anna v
You are subject to an unconscious bias and you will regret your actions.
Aug 29, 2017 by Mandlbaur
Hi Dilaton. I have problem answering questions since none of the tools appear to be available (e.g. links, italics, etc) that I always remember. Additionally live preview or preview do not work and the answer window appears tiny although I can expand it eventually. Something is wrong. Not sure if it is my problem alone or not but I guess someone has to check it.
Apr 26, 2017 by conformal_gk
Hi Dilaton.  I am interested in reviewing this paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.06567 but I am confused on how to submit it for review. Any help?
Feb 16, 2017 by conformal_gk
Hello, I have finally succeed in registering here! Is it by any means possible to associate the answers which I have already written to my new account? Thanks!
Dec 5, 2016 by Igor Mol
But now i cannot find my paper again. Which path?
Oct 3, 2015 by Jiang-min Zhang
Could you delete one for me? Thanks a lot!
Oct 3, 2015 by Jiang-min Zhang

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