1) Why is it called a symmetry if it is not a symmetry? what about Noether theorem in this case? and the gauge groups U(1)...etc?
Gauge symmetry is a local symmetry in CLASSICAL field theory. This may be why
people call gauge symmetry a local symmetry. But we know that our world is quantum.
In quantum systems, gauge symmetry is not a symmetry, in the sense that the gauge transformation does not change any quantum state and is a do-nothing transformation.
Noether's theorem is a notion of classical theory. Quantum gauge theory (when described by the physical Hilbert space and Hamiltonian) has no
Noether's theorem. Since the gauge symmetry is not a symmetry, the gauge group
does not mean too much, in the sense that two different gauge groups can sometimes
describe the same gauge theory. For example, the Z2 gauge theory
is equivalent to the following U(1)×U(1) Chern-Simons gauge theory:
in (2+1)D.
Since the gauge transformation is a do-nothing transformation and the gauge group is unphysical, it is better to describe gauge theory without using
gauge group and the related gauge transformation. This has been achieved by string-net theory. Although the string-net theory is developed to describe topological order, it can also be viewed as a description of gauge theory without using gauge group.
The study of topological order (or long-range entanglements) shows that
if a bosonic model has a long-range entangled ground state, then the low energy effective theory must be some kind of gauge theory. So the low energy effective
gauge theory is actually a reflection of the long-range entanglements in the ground state.
So in condensed matter physics, gauge theory is not related to geometry or curvature. The gauge theory is directly related to and is a consequence of the long-range entanglements in the ground state. So maybe the gauge theory in our vacuum is also a direct reflection of the long-range entanglements in the vacuum.
2) Does that mean, in principle, that one can gauge any theory (just by introducing the proper fake degrees of freedom)?
Yes, one can rewrite any theory as a gauge theory of any gauge group.
However, such a gauge theory is usually in the confined phase and the effective theory at low energy is not a gauge theory.
Also see a related discussion:
Impossibility of breaking gauge-symmetry in lattice gauge theories
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-04-04 15:40 (UCT), posted by SE-user Xiao-Gang Wen