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  Is it time for Reviews to be reorganized by category?

+ 4 like - 0 dislike

Now that we have this snazzy category system (it's really unbelievable, thanks so much polarkernel), can we make the papers in the reviews section appear in the proper position of the arxiv category system they fall under? Have the view by category and date of publication, so that they are ordered from most recent to least. I think the enormously hard part of this change has just been finished.

This will make an incentive to import papers, because they won't seem so cramped and all alone on the reviews page. It will also make the site look professional for the views we will get after Dilaton's talk.

Also, and I was looking over the interface of Stack Exchange. Their interface is somewhat snazzier, and I thought that it might be possible to have something analogous to their personal user view, which shows prominently the reputation change, and the detailed sequence of votes that went into it. Further, separately, the comments and responses in a linear compressed list similar to what they do. Our current "updates" list is no good, it just lists things in the same format. Neither is totally urgent, but these superficial slight improvements can help with the user retention.

asked Aug 27, 2014 in Discussion by Ron Maimon (7,740 points) [ revision history ]
recategorized Sep 10, 2014 by dimension10

1 Answer

+ 1 like - 0 dislike

I agree: There are currently 43 papers in reviews, and it's better to sort them out before it gets unmanagably large. It's always easier to sort 43 papers than 4300 ones. So I'd say we should start the recategorisation right away! But note that it will take time, especially in the beginning, when all the nested categories still need to be created.

To the moderators helping out in recategorisation (not the users): please check the "edit silently" checkbox before saving the edit, to avoid bursting the main page. Non-moderators do not have access to this checkbox, though. Also, the users would need to wait for the recategorising moderators to create a few nested categories to recategorise anything into.

And here's an example re-categorisation to demonstrate the hierarchial tag system. I deliberately did not check the "save silently" box, since it's also an example recategorisation,

answered Aug 27, 2014 by dimension10 (1,985 points) [ revision history ]

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