I have come across two similar definitions of primary fields in conformal field theory. Depending on what I am doing each definition has its own usefulness. I expect both definitions to be compatible but I can't seem to be able to show it. By compatible I mean definition 1 ⟺ definition 2. I will write both definitions in the two-dimensional case and restricting to holomorphic transformations.
Def #1 from D'Francesco et al's CFT: A field f(z) if it transforms as f(z)→g(ω)=(dωdz)−hf(z),h∈R under an infinitesimal conformal transformation z→ω(z).
Def #2 from Blumenhagen et al's Intro to CFT: A field f(z) is primary if it transforms as f(z)→g(z)=(dωdz)hf(ω),h∈R under an infinitesimal conformal transformation z→ω(z).
This post imported from StackExchange MathOverflow at 2014-08-31 09:09 (UCT), posted by SE-user Daniel