An anyonic superselection sector is defined to be an equivalence class of local excitations under local operations. A non-trivial anyon (i.e. a non-trivial superselection sector) is a "local excitation which cannot be created locally".
Here is a precise statement of this notion which works for systems with zero correlation length, where anyons can be exactly localized into a finite region. The main point is that to make the notion of superselection sector precise, you have to consider an infinite system. In a finite system with periodic boundary conditions, the overall state always has trivial anyonic charge.
Let L be the algebra of operators acting on finite sets of spins within an infinite spin lattice Zd. A state is defined to be a function mapping operators to their expectation values, i.e. a linear map ω:L→C, such that ω(A)∈R if A=A†, ω(A)≥0 if A is positive-semidefinite, and ω(I)=1. (If the system were finite, we could define ω(A)=Tr(Aρ), where ρ is the density matrix representing the state of the system, and the three conditions stated would correspond to ρ=ρ†, ρ≥0 and Trρ=1 respectively. However, it is not possible to define a sensible notion of density matrix in an infinite system.)
A pure state is a state ω which cannot be expressed as a convex linear combination of other states: ω=pω1+(1−p)ω2,p∈[0,1]⟹ω1=ω2=ω. Again, in a finite system this would be equivalent to saying that the density matrix is a pure state ρ=|Ψ⟩⟨Ψ|.
Let us fix one particular pure state ωGS which represents the ground state of our topologically ordered system. A local excitation is any pure state ω which "looks the same as the ground state far away", that is there exists some finite region R⊆Zd such that ω(A)=ωGS(A) for any operator A that acts trivially inside of R. EDIT: We also have to require that the support of A does not enclose R -- otherwise we could detect the presence of an anyonic charge through a Wilson loop.
We can define an equivalence relation on local excitations: ω∼ω′ iff ω′ can be created from ω locally, by acting with a unitary U on a finite region, so that ω′(A)=ω(U†AU) for all A. The superselection sectors are precisely the equivalence classes of local excitaions under this equivalence relation.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-05-31 13:06 (UTC), posted by SE-user Dominic Else