The Lagrangian of chiral perturbation theory (with two quark flavors) is written using the following matrix $U$
where $\sigma^i$ are the Pauli matrices, $\phi_i$ are three scalar fields and $f$ is a constant with mass dimension. $U$ is unitary, which makes the $\phi_i$ fields real.
The Lagrangian at $O(p^2)$ order is
the Lagrangian at next to leading order $O(p^4)$ is
at next to leading order the coefficients $l_i$ and renormalize with loops with vertices coming only from the $O(p^2)$ Lagrangian like
where the gammas are
Now comes the question. Let's consider the same theory with the same Lagrangian but allowing the $\phi$ fields in $U$ to be complex.
My question is, would the $\gamma_i-s$ change?