I doubt any answer will be satisfactory. My opinion is that we are still very far from a mathematical justification. If we accept the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics, and if we make the approximation that the nucleus of the atom is just one heavy thing with N positive charges, then the motion of the N electrons is governed by a linear equation (Schrödinger) in R3N. The unknown is a function ψ(r1,…,rN,t) with the property (Pauli exclusion) that it has full skew-symmetry. For instance,
In practice, we look for steady states
eiωtϕ(r1,r2,…,rN). Then
ω is the energy level.
Because of the very large space dimension, one cannot perform reliable calculations on computer, when N is larger than a few units. One attempt to simplify the problem has been to postulate that ϕ is a Slatter determinant, which means that
The unknown is then an
N-tuple of functions
ai over
R3. Of course, we do not expect that steady states be really Slater determinants; after all, the Schrödinger equation does not preserve the class of Slater determinants. Thus there is a price to pay, which is to replace the Schrödinger equation by an other one, obtained by an averaging process (Hartree--Fock model). The drawback is that the new equation is non-linear. Such approximate states have been studied by P.-L. Lions & I. Catto in the 90's.
Update. Suppose N=2 only. If we think to ϕ as a finite-dimensional object instead of an L2-function, then it is nothing but a skew-symmetric matrix A. Approximation à la Slater consists in writing A∼XYT−YXT, where X and Y are vectors. In other words, one approximate A by a rank-two skew-symmetric matrix. The approximation must be in terms of the Hilbert-Schmidt norm (also named Frobenius, Schur): this norm is natural because of the requirement ∥ϕ∥L2=N. If ±a1,…,±am are the pairs of eigenvalues of A, with 0≤a1≤…≤am, then the best Slater approximation B satisfies ∥B∥2=2a2m, ∥A−B∥2=2(a21+⋯+a2m−1). Not that good. Imagine how much worse it can be if N is larger than 2.
This post imported from StackExchange MathOverflow at 2016-03-29 20:09 (UTC), posted by SE-user Denis Serre