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  The dual behavior of quantum Fields and the big Bang

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Referee this paper: arXiv:1604.01253 by Malik Matwi

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Original Abstract; We modify the propagation for the quarks and gluons, with that we have finite results, without ultra violet divergence in perturbed interaction of the quarks and gluons, this makes it easily for the interaction renormalization, like the self energy. Then we search for a way to remove our modification, with fixing the Lagrange parameters. so we can ignore our modification. We relate the modification to interaction situation, this is, we need it only for interaction renormalization. we see for the free the modification is removed. then We try to give the modification terms modification physical aspects, for this we see the corresponding terms in the Lagrange. To do that we find the role of those terms in the Feynman diagrams, in self energies, quarks gluons vertex. We see we can relate the propagation modification to fields dual behavior, pairing particle with antiparticle appears as scalar particles with high mass. For the quarks we can interrupt these particles as pions.

requested Apr 22, 2016 by Mitchell Porter (1950 points)
summarized by Arnold Neumaier
paper authored Mar 13, 2016 to physics by  (no author on PO assigned yet) 
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    edited Apr 23, 2016 by Arnold Neumaier

    2 Reviews

    + 4 like - 0 dislike

    I'm very happy to see sparks of science in Syria, but I have to say this is a very confused paper, and the mistakes are elementary. 

    The author starts with a higher-derivative regularization of the propagator that takes the form of


    I don't have an immediate gripe with this although it's well known such regulator is not guaranteed to respect renormalizablity and unitariry of QCD, as oppposed to dim-reg in which the two are concretely proven. But the author seems to be in spirit more concerned with the "physical" aspects, so I can let this go for the moment. However, later the author makes the hypothesis that the regulator is physical and makes no attempt to remove it, and interprets the second pole mass offered by $1+a^2k^2$ as a pion. This is very wrong, notwithstanding the completely sabotaged gauge invariance/renormalizablity/unitarity,  now you have two poles in an allegedly-particle propagator at free field level, that normally just means you don't really have a particle interpretation of your field theory, and to have a second particle at free propagator level, you need a second fundamental field. I guess the author confuses himself partly because he only comes to realize the existence of such a pole after a loop calculation on page 12, while in fact the pole is there at the very beginning. Plus, if one considers chiral symmetry breaking, the degrees of freedom just run wild if a pion is really what the author claims it to be.  

    In addition, the author has a confused discussion on confinement. First he gets the definition of confinement wrong, confinement is a long distance phenomenon, while the author demonstrates a linear potential at short distance $r<a$, here (page10) he also confuses cutoff scale with energy scale and gives a wrong justisfication for the scale at which confinement happens, on top of that here he seems to be willing to freely tune $a \to 0$ while this is in contradiction with identifying $1/a$ as the physical mass of a pion. Also, the way he gets linear potential is basically expanding a Yukawa potential to $O(r)$, in such way he might as well claim massive $\phi^4$, or any interacting theory with a massive particle for that matter, to be confining.  And even if he had done everything right, it's destined to fail trying to prove confinement within perturbative QCD, since perturbation series is probably divergent (at best asymptotic), using perturbation theory to probe confinement, which is a strongly interacting effect, is doomed both in principle and practice.  

    I didn't read the rest of the paper.

    reviewed Apr 23, 2016 by Jia Yiyang (2,640 points) [ revision history ]
    edited Apr 24, 2016 by Jia Yiyang
    Most voted comments show all comments

    the pairing particle antiparticle is like to say(for electrons photons interaction) that the long wave photons could not interact with the high energy electrons as the possibility of the interaction with the low energy electrons.
    that is, the long wave photons see the high energy electrons and positrons as paired electrons-positrons.

    at first I tried to satisfy the chiral symmetry, in that place, I thought that the chiral symmetry breaking is due to vacuum classical polarization, and this problem is solved by dual behavior of fields, some of these notes are in the first paper http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/APTA/article/view/26837

    at first I tried to satisfy the chiral symmetry, in that place, I thought that the chiral symmetry breaking is due to vacuum classical polarization, and this problem is solved by dual behavior of fields, some of these notes are in the first paper http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/APTA/article/view/26837

    notice(page 37): we assume that the universe was created in every point in two dimensions space XY then the explosion in Z direction. That is by the quarks, in each point in XY at the quarks were created and then they expanded in each point XY to the length a0 then the explosion in Z direction, the result is the universe in the space XYZ.

    This assumption appears to be strange, I used it to calculate   

    Vq/Vh=Hh/Hq=Sdq/Sdh (page 44)

    We can make this assumption more legal, we assume, the quarks universal condensation in hadrons occurred in one direction let it Z direction, this means, to spend less energy for the condensation, the correspond force must effect only in one direction Z . We let X, Y, Z as proper distances.


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    malik matwi

    at first I tried to remove x1=x2 from the propagation


    the propagation modification is legal according to remove x1=x2

    at first I tried to remove x1=x2 from the propagation


    the propagation modification is legal according to remove x1=x2

    + 0 like - 0 dislike

    This paper apparently claims to: modify perturbative QCD to make it UV finite, derive free and confined phases, and build from this a cosmology that doesn't need a dark sector... Normally I would just glance at such a paper, but this one is from Syria. I don't see many (any!) QFT papers from Syria, right or wrong, and I think it might contribute in some small way to the recovery of that country, to engage with a work so ambitious as this.

    reviewed Apr 22, 2016 by Mitchell Porter (1,950 points) [ no revision ]

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