I have a function f defined as ¯z−¯w(z−w)(1+z¯z)(1+w¯w).
I want to prove that ∂2¯zf+2z1+z¯z∂¯zf=π2(1+z¯z)2δ(z−w).
This is basically a double covariant derivative wrt to ¯z taking the metric in unit sphere in stereographic coordinates.
I found that ∂¯zf=δ(z−w)(1+z¯z)(¯z−¯w)1+w¯w+1z−w(1+2z¯z−z¯w)1+w¯w.
If I differentiate again I am encountering a derievative of a delta function which I do not know how to do.
But since I know the result I calculated back what the derivative of delta function should be a found out to be 2δ(z−w)¯z−¯ww¯w−z¯z1+z¯z.
Basically during the calculation I used the product rule and took 1z−w as one function and rest as another and did the diffrentiation.I also used the fact that ∂¯z1z−w=δ(z−w).
I would like to know whether the procedure I have done is correct.Is the derivative of the delta function I have mentioned is correct or not.Pls help me.
This problem is basically involved during computing the BMS charge
This post imported from StackExchange Mathematics at 2017-05-05 20:53 (UTC), posted by SE-user Anupam Ah