I know that ultimately, we have the definition/conjecture that the D-brane category in B-model topological string theory is actually the (bounded) derived category of coherent sheaves on a Calabi-Yau threefold X. For this particular question, I don't want to worry about the derived category or K-theory, I would just like to understand how a single D-brane (or stack of branes) is modeled as a coherent sheaf on X.
I know very roughly how the story goes. The D-branes are non-perturbative objects who support open string endpoints. Remarkably, the endpoints appear to an observer in the brane as a particle in the QFT sense. This leads one to model a brane as a holomorphic subvariety Z of X with a line bundle on Z. One then sees for a variety of reasons that a stack of N D-branes should correspond to a rank N bundle, instead of a line bundle.
Clearly, a vector bundle on a subvariety pushes forward to X as a coherent sheaf. But there are tons of coherent sheaves which do not arise as pushforwards of bundles. Some degenerate behavior of a coherent sheaf F is:
1. F need not be pure dimensional: I think I am okay with this. It simply corresponds to branes of different dimensions. For example, if F is supported on curves and points, it should be thought of as a bound state of D0-D2 branes.
2. A locally-free sheaf is thought of as a space-filling brane. But there are also torsion-free sheaves F supported on all of X which are not locally-free. For example, ideal sheaves. Do these have an interpretation as D-branes? I know that passing to the derived category, ideal sheaves are maybe thought of as roughly "anti-branes" perhaps. But I'm wondering if they play a role when sticking to merely the category of coherent sheaves.
3. Finally, there are torsion sheaves supported on subvarieties of dimension larger than one, which need not arise as the pushforward of a vector bundle. Can these be interpreted as D-branes wrapping the subvariety?
Is it possible that these degenerations are thrown in on top of pushforwards of vector bundles to get a nice D-brane moduli space? I would be happy with this, but I'm especially worried about something like an ideal sheaf. This seems to me to have no nice D-brane interpretation outside of the derived category, or K-theory or something.