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  What is the purpose of black holes?

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I think if we understood the purpose of a black hole then we would be able to theorize black holes in a new way. I cant help but think based on what we know about black holes and what we know we don't know about black holes it leaves nothing off the theoretical table of black holes. I know that black holes have a gravitational pole so strong it rips apart compounds and I'm assuming atoms structure down to the base quantum bits. (I say base quantum bits because I don't think we know what they are yet.)  So these quantum bits would be so small they would at first be virtually invisible but do to the gravity they would eventually form back to the base of atoms and so on forming atoms. The most likely atoms to form would be the atoms with one proton aka hydrogen, then helium and so on. I theorize this based off the simplicity of the these atoms one electron one proton, two protons two electrons. These atoms would have the highest probability to form based on simplicity and the fact that the most abundant atoms in the universe are hydrogen and helium.

I theorize that black holes create stars with the destruction of atomic particles and navigating these quantum particles to an unknown area (alternate universe or just alternate area). If undisturbed this quantum dust would form into the building blocks of the universe or atoms. We know how stars are formed through observation, The dust we see which is there some how we just assume its just leftover from supernovas or the beginning of the universe. These odds are less likely due to the mass of a star .Some stars are far to big to be just leftovers of supernovas. Black holes vary in size as do suns, correlation maybe. Black holes if transporting these particles to an alternate area would most likely form hydrogen and helium creating a star. 

The particles  would be so small at first we would not be able to detect them and if we did it would be far along in the formation of atoms and it would look like space dust as do stars before they form. This brings me to the conclusion that stars and black holes create each other in a life cycle I call the primordial life cycle.

Please if you can poke holes in this do so I'd love to reply back and get a conversation about this going. 

asked Nov 28, 2017 in Chat by Atomos Primordial [ no revision ]
recategorized Nov 28, 2017 by Arnold Neumaier

2 Answers

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Black holes are concentrated places of mass whose function so far is a collection of quantum entangled particles that contribute to the vacuum energy state (Dr. Salvator Pais) and cosmic background radiation

answered Jan 5, 2022 by Del [ no revision ]
+ 0 like - 2 dislike

Do black holes pull dark matter into them? We can not see dark matter as well as black holes. Maybe you are partly right and it is the cyclical conversion of matter and energy since they can not be created or destroyed. Are space and time human constructs that have no meaning to the universe? Linear time is all we know. Space is what we occupy inside our tiny container. In the end, the more we know, the less we know or we will never know.

Early humans might have looked at the milky way and thought it was where God lived. We are looking for answers on huge particle colliders looking for the creator in the same way. Ad Astra my friend.

answered May 24, 2021 by Herbert A Tobar [ no revision ]

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