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  Can one particle move so fast as to be observed to be more than one particle, with distinct charges and characteristics.

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I know nothing in particular about physics - I was just contemplating doughnut shapes (literally) on the way home from work - this is a genuine question (I'm 56 years old) that has two halves - the second half may be off at a bit of a tangent:

Could it be that there is a particle (don't know what else to call it) that rotates (oscillates), in a kind of figure eight pattern, passing repeatedly through a central point, that ultimately describes a kind of torus sphere, at such speed that it is only perceptible at the outer limit of it's journey from the centre, when it slows down and ultimately gets drawn back to the centre, and from the trace of its repeatedly crossing the centre - where, each time it reaches the centre, the shock changes its charge and it gets flung out, but the shock of that very change, returns the charge such that it can only go as far as its original momentum pushes it, then gets drawn back each time. The result being that it appears, to the observer, to be (a) particle(s) of one charge orbiting (an)other particles of (a) different charge. The speed of the apparent (ostensible) orbit being the distance traveled from the centre, times the speed of light, divided by the diameter of the orbit. But it all being the same particle moving very fast and donning different hats.

The faster or slower the particle completes each figure of eight, the more or fewer particles seem, to the observer, to be at the centre, or orbiting, and the more or less energy/charge is caused by the shock of its relative nearness to colliding with itself every time it passes through the central point.

(part 2)

The original particle would have been a dimensionless point of energy that, having "sparked", was compelled to travel but, there being no "where" nor "there" to travel to, it immediately collided with itself, in situ, at the speed of light. Everything resulting being literally a shudder/an echo of that original intrinsic collision.

The original explosion would have been at the speed of light, times the speed of light, but immediately (instantaneously) stifled/trapped and slowed to the speed of light by the weight of the speed of light.

Is any of either the first part or second part of this question possible?

Sorry it's such an involved question.

asked Jul 21, 2020 in Q&A by André Rostant [ no revision ]

The answer to the question in the title is no.

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