The first chapter of Volume 1 contains an excellent and exhaustive set of references of the relevant papers (and proceedings). Unfortunately, there are quite some "glitches", where some of the references are incorrect or at least difficult to understand or investigate for.
Here is my errata list for the Chapter 1 references. In particular, I try to add a reference to the cited papers as often as possible. Some of the historic papers are actually freely available over internet. Others can at least easily be referenced by DOI.
- Ref 10a. A. Sommerfeld, Munchner Berichte 1915, pp. 425, 429; ...
-> The second reference should be page 459, instead of 429
- Ref 19. W Pauli, Z.f. Phys. 37, 263 (1926); 43, 601 (1927).
-> The first article [Z.f. Phys. 37, 263 (1926)] is authored by W. Heisenberg and P. Jordan.
- Ref 28 ... Also see P. A. M. Dirac, Proc. Roy. Soc. A133, 61 (1931).
-> This last reference to Dirac's paper should read Proc. Roy. Soc. A133, 60 (1931), however Weinberg probably wanted to point to that particular page of the paper in this context, so maybe "Proc. Roy. Soc. A133, 60 (1931), p.61." is the intended reference.
- Ref 43a. V. Fock, C. R. Leningrad 1933, p. 267.
-> Has somebody any idea what this is?
- Ref 48. C. Møller, Ann. d. Phys. 14, 531, 568 (1932).
-> Page 568 is within the page range of article Ann. d. Phys. 14, 531, so Weinberg wants to refer to Ann. d. Phys. 14, 531, p.568?
- Ref 49. ... also see G. Racah, Nuovo Cimento 11, No. 7 (1934); ibid., 13, 69 (1936).
-> The first article from Racah should be Nuovo Cimento 11,461 (page, not issue!). The second one should be Nuovo Cimento 13, 66 (1936) [maybe referring to p.69 within this article?]
cf. and
- Ref 56a. L. Nordheim and N. Webb, Phys. Rev. 56, 494 (1939).
-> The second author is M.H.Hebb
- Ref 58. ... R. E. Marshak and H. A. Bethe, Phys. Rev. 77, 506 (1947).
The paper from Marshak and Bethe is from volume 72, not 77.
- Ref 62. I. Waller, Z.f. Phys. 59, 168 (1930); ibid., 61, 721, 837 (1930); ibid., 62, 673 (1930).
-> From these 4 papers, I can only find Z.f.Phys. 61, 837 (1930) and Z.f.Phys. 62, 673 (1930). The other 2 do not exist! Maybe Weinberg refers to the papers Z.f.Phys. 58, 75 (1929) and Z.f.Phys. 88, 436 (1934)?
cf.,, and
- Ref 64. ... R. Serber, Phys. Rev. 43, 49 (1935) ...
-> The paper from Serber is in volume 48, not 43 (but page is correct).
- Ref 72. ... Also see C. Møller, Kon. Dansk. Vid. Sels. Mat.-Fys. Medd. 23, No. 1 (1945); ibid. 23, No. 19, (1946).
-> The second reference should read: Kon. Dansk. Vid. Sels. Mat.-Fys. Medd. 22, No. 19 (1946) [confusingly, this later dated, second part of this two-paper series is in the earlier binding.]
cf. 20-29/mfm-22-19.pdf
- Ref 75. ... For a review of classical theories of this type, and of yet other attempts to solve the problem of infinities, see R. E. Peierls in Rapports du 8me Conseil de Physique Solvay 1948 (R. Stoops, Brussels, 1950): p. 241.
-> The article from Peierls starts at p.291 in the proceedings of Solvay 1948
- Ref 82. ... D. E. Nagel, R. S. Julian, and J. R. Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 72, 973 (1947).
-> The letter from Nagle (typo in name!) et. al. is on page 971.