I am having some questions on the ordering of indices that are both upstairs and downstairs. Let's take an example: Λμ ν is a Lorentz transfom if the following equation is satisfied:
Λμ σηστΛν τ=ημν.
In matrix notation that means
My question is: why must we place μ before ν in the expression Λμ ν? (rather than just vertically above it)
I have thought about this for a moment, and get the following ideas:
- Putting μ before ν reminds us to write the notation is the usual order of matrix multiplication. Usually we write Λμ νxν rather than xνΛμ ν, because we'd like ν's to be "closer together". This matches our ordering of writing a matrix multiplying a (contravariant) vector Λx.
- There are exceptions to point 1, for example Λμ σηστΛν τ, because here we are transposing the second Lorentz matrix.
- However, if we have more than two indices, the above ideas make little sense. If we have and expression like Aμ1μ2…μkν1ν2…νlxν1…xνnyμ1…yμn, who knows what is the "correct" order of indices of a and x,y? Mathematically there doesn't seem to be a reason for a particular ordering, because a tensor product of vector spaces does not depend on the order (up to isomorphism) in which we take the product.
Are the above observations correct? Are there any other reasons for the ordering?
Finally, will we ever see something like
Λ μσ?
i.e. downstairs before upstairs.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2025-01-23 14:38 (UTC), posted by SE-user Ma Joad