Consider the 1-dimensional Ising model $$\mathcal{H}_N=-J\sum_{i=1}^{N} \sigma_i\sigma_{i+1}-H\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sigma_i\qquad\sigma_i=\pm 1$$
with periodic boundary conditions $\sigma_{N+1}=\sigma_1$ and magnetic field $H$. Let $\Omega$ be the set of the one-sided infinite sequences $\omega=(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\dots)\in\Omega$. Consider the map $x:\Omega\mapsto\{-1,1\}$, with coordinate function $x_n(\omega)=\sigma_n$ and the shift transformation $T:\Omega\mapsto\Omega$, with $\,x_n(T\omega)=x_{n+1}(\omega)=\sigma_{n+1}$. Let further ${\cal F}$ be a $\sigma$-algebra of subsets of $\Omega$, which is generated by the sets (cylinders) of the form $\{\omega\in\Omega:(\sigma_i,\dots,\sigma_{i+n-1})\in E\},$ while $E$ is a subset of $\{-1,1\}^n$. The $\sigma$-fields are generated by what is called "thin" cylinders, that is, sets of the form $\{\omega\in\Omega: x_l(\omega)=\sigma_l, i\le l\le i+n-1\}$
Since the finite disjoint unions of thin cylinders form a field which generates ${\cal F}$,
a measure $P$ on ${\cal F}$ is uniquely determined by the values
$$p_n(s_i,\dots,s_{i+n-1})=P\{\omega\in\Omega:x_i(\omega)=s_i,\dots, x_{i+n-1}(\omega)=s_{i+n-1}\}$$
for $i\ge 1$. Now, for any finite $n, N$, $1\le n\le N$ and $1\le i\le N-n+1$, one can define the partial trace:
$$Z_{N}(i,n):=\sum_{\substack{\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_{i-1},\\ \sigma_{i+n},\dots,\sigma_{N}}}
and the ordinary trace:
$$Z_{N}:=\sum_{\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_N} e^{-\beta\mathcal{H}(\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_N)}.$$
Then, consider the fraction $$p^{(N)}_n(s_i,\dots,s_{i+n-1})=\frac{Z_{N}(i,n)}{Z_N}.$$
From the latter, we can derive a probability measure in the following sense
and the associated transition probability is simply
By substitution of the traces and some further algebraic manipulations one can show that the latter is equal to a stochastic and irreducible transition matrix. This implies that the transition probability is associated with an ergodic Markov shift.