Here is a toy example; I don't know how interesting this will be to physicists. The eigenvalues of the Laplacian acting on, say, smooth functions Rk/(2πZ)k→C are given by
as a multiset (that is, with multiplicities). These are the energy eigenvalues of n free non-interacting quantum particles on a circle. The multiplicity of a given eigenvalue is therefore the number of ways to write it as a sum of k (integer) squares.
This is a classical number-theoretic problem. For example, it is a classical result that the number of ways to write a non-negative integer n as the sum of two squares is
where χ4(d) is equal to 0 if d≡0,2mod4, equal to 1 if d≡1mod4, and equal to −1 if d≡3mod4. In general, the number of ways rk(n) to write a non-negative integer n as the sum of k squares has generating function
The function θ(q) is a theta function. Theta functions are closely related to modular forms, an important topic in number theory, and in fact the classical proof of the closed form
(where we have used the Iverson bracket above) proceeds by showing that θ(q)4 is a modular form; see Wikipedia.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-03-24 09:19 (UCT), posted by SE-user Qiaochu Yuan