For Haag-Kastler nets M(O) of von-Neumann algebras M indexed by open bounded subsets O of the Minkowski space in AQFT (algebraic quantum field theory) the DHR (Doplicher-Haag-Roberts) superselection theory treats representations that are "localizable" in the following sense.
The C∗−algebra
is called the quasi-local algebra of the given net.
For a vacuum representation π0, a representation π of the local algebra A is called (DHR) admissible if π|A(K⊥) is unitarily equivalent to π0|A(K⊥) for all double cones K.
Here, K⊥ denotes the causal complement of a subset of the Minkowski space.
The DHR condition says that all expectation values (of all observables) should approach the vacuum expectation values, uniformly, when the region of measurement is moved away from the origin.
The DHR condition therefore excludes long range forces like electromagnetism from consideration, because, by Stokes' theorem, the electric charge in a finite region can be measured by the flux of the field strength through a sphere of arbitrary large radius.
In his recent talk
- Sergio Doplicher: "Superselection structure in Local Quantum Theories with (neutral) massless particle"
at the conference Modern Trends in AQFT, it would seem that Sergio Doplicher announced an extension of superselection theory to long range forces like electromagnetism, which has yet to be published.
I am interested in any references to or explanations of this work, or similar extensions of superselection theory in AQFT to long range forces. (And of course also in all corrections to the characterization of DHR superselection theory I wrote here.)
And also in a heads up when Doplicher and coworkers publish their result.
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