The lagrangian for a massless Dirac fermion in a general background is given by:
where c.c. means complex conjugate. ˉψ=γ0ψ+, eμI is the tetrad (or more generally n-bien) encoding the background metric via gμν=eIμeJμηIJ, where ηIJ is the minkowski metric diag(−1,1,1,1). Dμ is the covariant derivative whose action on spinors is given by:
Here γI are the Dirac matrices and γIγJ are the generators of the Lorentz lie algebra. For spinors which transform under the action of a general group the second term in the above expression can be generalized to AIμTIψ where TI are the lie-algebra generators of the relevant group.
The n-bien encodes the background metric. The gauge connection encodes the background curvature via FIJμν=∂[μAIJν]+g[Aμ,Aν]IJ. The [..] in the first term indicates antisymmetrization over the contained indices. The second term is the commutator of the matrices which constitute the connection and is non-zero only for a non-abelian group. The complete Lagrangian including that for the background geometry and the Dirac fields is:
Of course, if the background geometry is or can be taken to be static then only the Dirac term matters. The corresponding equations of motion are easily determined via variation w.r.t ψ and ˉψ. The complete solution must take into account not only the bulk values of the n-bien and connection but also the boundary conditions imposed by the background geometry.
In the above, what is left unsaid is how the e∧e∧F term corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert lagrangian. This is essentially the connection formulation of GR for which an excellent pedagogical reference is the paper by Romano Geometrodynamics vs. Connection Dynamics.
Given all this formalism what is lacking is a concrete example. I have no doubt someone (@Lawrence ?) will soon supply one. But this should get you going. You can also go the Clifford/geometric algebra route @Carl mentioned and gain the benefits of a unified language at the expense of some time spent learning the framework. Hope this helps!
An explicit example of an exact solution can be found in this paper on Graphene Wormholes
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-04-01 16:19 (UCT), posted by SE-user user346