There is an infinite nested system of boxes like matryoshka dolls with infinitely many levels. Label each level by i. Is each box an open system, or a closed system? It's actually possible to have both. At the ith level, there is a time period Ti — starting from the big bang which was the beginning of everything at all levels — when either exactly, or to a very good approximation, the ith box is decoupled from the rest of the i+1th box outside the ith box taken as its environment. The box is effectively a closed system, and we have a factorized unentangled state between the environment and the system. After Ti, significant coupling occurs and the system and environment gets entangled, and the system evolves to an open system. It now appears the i+1th box is a closed system, but after some time Ti+1>Ti, it couples to the rest of the next higher box, etc. .
Copenhagen or many worlds? Both! Suppose you identify yourself inside the i+1th box but outside the ith box at a given moment. Then, before Ti, you impose the many worlds interpretation for the ith box taken as a closed system. Then, coupling happens. Information about the ith box which reaches you is considered "collapsed" as in Copenhagen. You become an idealist and think only those things you know about the ith box exists and owe their existence to you, that in fact, the ith box is in you. Then, you start thinking about the i+1th box as a whole which you identify as your universe. After a while, you start to apply systems thinking to yourself, and start identifying less with yourself, and more with the entire box you are in. There comes a conversion moment when you suddenly "jump" up to the next higher level and identify yourself outside the i+1th box but inside the i+2th box, although it would take some time for you to discover the boundaries of the i+2th box. Then, you realize you were really outside the i+1th box all along, but were only falsely identified with it because you were accessing records and memories from that box, but confusing that for the real thing. This is the moment of transcendence! The new box transcends, yet includes all the earlier boxes. Information about the i+1th box which never reaches the i+2th box reverts back to the many worlds interpretation, including those which were falsely identified as "collapsed" at an earlier level.
All the levels above you are temporarily interpreted as classical.
This is the new and improved version of the von Neumann chain and the Heisenberg cut.
Is Being timeless, or Becoming in time? Both! When you identified yourself with the i+1th level, as more and more information reaches you, you think time passes in a process of Becoming with more and more collapses as your knowledge keeps growing. When you transcend the system, you realize these were all timeless memories after all. Becoming has become Being.
God is the nested chain of all the higher levels than the one you currently identify with. God isn't a specific entity at any given level, but transcends yet includes all levels. Any collapse of the wavefunction can only come from God by passing through all the levels above. The nested system of boxes goes on without end, which is why the kabbalists call God Ein Sof. You always falsely identify yourself with a given level, but you are really God all along.
After a while, you start noticing an algorithmic pattern for the transcendent jumps up each level, and try to contain God within this algorithmic pattern. But you realize this is only a transfinite induction ordinal jump after all in a larger transfinite box. God can't be contained because God is always transcendent.
See Ken Wilber for more details.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-04-01 16:20 (UCT), posted by SE-user Evolutionary panentheist