I have on several occasions wondered how one might proceed in order to sample large subcritical Bernoulli bond-percolation clusters, say on the square lattice.
More precisely, let's consider the lattice $\mathbb{Z}^2$, and open each edge independently with probability $p<p_c=0.5$. I am interested in the event that the vertices $(0,0)$ and $(N,0)$ are connected by a path of open edges, when $N$ some large number ("large" meaning here "many times the correlation length").
It is well-known (rigorously) that this probability decays exponentially fast with $N$, and one has a lot of information about the geometry of the corresponding cluster (e.g., the corresponding cluster converges to a brownian bridge as $N\to\infty$ under diffusive scaling, it has a maximal "width" of order $\log N$, etc.).
Question: Are there (not too inefficient) algorithms that would sample typical clusters contributing to this event?
Edit: googling a bit, I have stumbled upon this paper. I have yet to read it (and to decide whether it is relevant to my question). What the author seems to be doing is growing his objects in a biased way, which helps create the very unlikely configurations he's after, but would result in the wrong final distribution. So he's at the same time correcting the bias (in a way I haven't yet understood by just browsing through the paper).
As an example, he's sampling 18 disjoint crossing clusters for critical percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^3$ in a box of size $128\times128\times2000$, an event of probability of order
$10^{-300}$. So:
Alternative question: does anybody know how this works? (I can also simply read the paper, but it might be useful for me and others if a nice self-contained description was given here by someone knowledgeable).
Apparently, looking more thoroughly, there is a lot of material that could be useful. It seems that relevant keywords here are: rare events simulation, importance sampling, splitting, etc.
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