What you have to take into account here is the discrete rotational symmetries of the tetrahedron. For instance let us write the state of the tetrahedron as ∣i1,i2,i3,i4⟩ where ik is the spin on the kth vertex. The state in the figure you show above can then be written as ∣o,i,i,o⟩ (with o and i meaning "outward pointing" and "inward pointing" respectively).
In the absence of any anisotropies which break the rotational symmetry, the state ∣i3,i1,i2,i4⟩ can be obtained from the state ∣i1,i2,i3,i4⟩ by rotating the tetradhedron by 2π/3 around the axis passing through the 4th vertex (v4) and the center of triangle Δ123, i.e.:
where ˆRi(θ) is the operator for rotations by θ around the ith axis.
alternatively you can also obtain ∣i,o,i,o⟩ by performing a reflection across the axis passing through v3 and bisecting the edge (e12) between v1 and v2:
where ˆSijk is the generator of reflections through the axis passing through vk and bisecting the edge (eij). Similarly we have:
Thus, w.r.t these discrete symmetries the six-states you mention are not independent. We must take suitable linear combinations of these states to obtain a set of independent basis vectors which are invariant under the action of these symmetries. When you do this correctly the six states will reduce to three states:
and likewise for ∣Ψ3⟩ and ∣Ψ2⟩. There are only three such states, and not four (we have four triangles), because the fourth state (in this case ∣Ψ1⟩ ) can be written as a linear sum of the other three !
Edit: Following a suggestion by @bruce, just want to clarify that each ∣Ψi⟩ is invariant only under the action of the permutation group on the triangle dual (opposite) to the vertex vi. This is a subgroup of the full symmetry group of the tetrahedron.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-04-01 16:37 (UCT), posted by SE-user user346