As lurscher suggests in a comment, in the case of a closed curve, one could consider a periodic parametrization of the curve
$${\bf f}(\theta)~=~{\bf f}(\theta+2\pi)~\in~\mathbb{R}^2, \qquad {\bf f}(\theta)~=~(x(\theta),y(\theta)). $$
Then define Fourier coefficients in the standard way
$$ {\bf c}_n({\bf f})~:=~ \int_0^{2\pi} \frac{{\rm d}\theta}{2\pi} e^{-in\theta}~{\bf f}(\theta). $$
(The Fourier coefficients ${\bf c}_n({\bf f})$ are well-defined if the coordinate functions $x,y$ are Lebesgue integrable $x,y\in{\cal L}^1(\mathbb{R}/2\pi\mathbb{Z}).$) The Fourier series for ${\bf f}$ is vector-valued
$$\sum_{n\in\mathbb{Z}}{\bf c}_n(f) ~e^{in\theta}.$$
A similar approached works also for a closed curve in higher dimensions. In the 2 dimensional case, one may identify the plane $\mathbb{R}^2\cong \mathbb{C}$ with the complex plane, as Greg P, Mark Eichenlaub, and J.M. point out.
This post imported from StackExchange Mathematics at 2014-06-02 11:01 (UCT), posted by SE-user Qmechanic