I am reading Di Franceso et Al Chapter 6. He defines the conformal blocks as
These are the conformal blocks and I wan't to calculate the co-efficients FK of its power series. The expectation value is taken between asymptotic states. The book quotes for for F1
and I know the value of
βp{1}34=1/2. I have no idea how to do this simple computation. I want to calculate
I got the second step after using the commutation relation [Ln,ϕ(w,ˉw)]=h(n+1)wnϕ(w,ˉw)+wn+1∂ϕ(w,ˉw) and writing the asymptotic states in terms of their operator fields.
How do I proceed from here? I have no idea how to calculate the correlator in the numerator and denominator resp. I just know the OPE for product of two fields of the **same** conformal dimension, but how do I do this