This is transparent if you work in a manifestly supersymmetric formalism such as superspace.
There are two kinds of superfields in a four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric field theory such as the MSSM : chiral superfields and vector superfields. The physical degrees of freedom in a chiral superfield are a fermion, a scalar and a pseudoscalar; whereas in the vector superfield it's a vector field and a fermion. Hence the Higgs fields are component fields of a chiral superfield.
The most general renormalisable N=1 supersymmetric action involving chiral superfields has two kinds of terms:
- a kinetic term, which involves the Berezin integral over all of superspace: ∫d4xd2θd2ˉθΦˉΦ
or, if you abandon renormalisability, then more generally ∫d4xd2θd2ˉθK(Φ,ˉΦ)
where K is a real function (which can be interpreted geometrically as a Kähler potential); and
- a superpotential term, which is the Berezin integral over "half of the superspace": ∫d4xd2θW(Φ)+c.c.
For this to be supersymmetric, the function W(Φ) must itself be a chiral superfield, which means that it must be a function of Φ alone and not of ˉΦ. Renormalisability further constrains W to be at most cubic.
So in summary, supersymmetry says that the superpotential has to be a chiral superfield and this in turn means that is a function of Φ, which is tantamount to analyticity.