Let me look at the Hamiltonian of a charged particle in a plane in a constant magnetic field (→B) pointing upwards - then in usual notation it is,
To convert this in a Feynman-path-integral language, I pick say a gauge →A=(−B2y,B2x)and then in this gauge ˆp and ˆA commute and that makes rewriting in the path-integral language much easier.
If I put this through the usual process of "deriving" a Feynman path-integral then I would get the expression,
Is it obvious (or true ) that the above expression is independent of the gauge I chose to the calculation? Is there a way to write the system in the path-integral language without explicitly choosing a gauge? (I have worked through calculations in Yang-Mills theory in the Fadeev-Popov gauge which does exactly that in those cases but I can't see a way out here...)
Can't I have written down the above path-integral without even going through the usual process of finding infinitesimal transition amplitudes and then collecting them together? I mean how often is it safe to say that for a Hamiltonian H(p,q) the path integral representation of the transition amplitude will be ∫[Dp][Dq]ei∫dt(p˙q−H(q,p))?
Now the Heisenberg's equation of motion will tell that,
In the Feynman path-integral the position and the momentum vectors are treated to be independent variables and hence it would be wrong to substitute the above expression into the path-integral but outside one can I guess do this substitution and one would get for the action (whatever sits in the exponent),
- But the above expression doesn't look right!? The integrand isn't what the Lagrangian should be. right?
Now in the derivation of the Feynman-path-integral if one integrates out the momentum for every infinitesimal transition amplitude and then reconstitutes the path-integral then one would get the expression,
Now what seems to sit in the exponent is what is the "correct" Lagrangian - I would think. Why did the answer differ in the two different ways of looking at it?
I wonder if given a Hamiltonian its corresponding Lagrangian can be "defined" as whatever pops out in the exponent if that system is put through this Feynman re-writing. In this case keeping to just classical physics I am not sure how to argue that the m2˙→r2−ec˙→r⋅→A is the Lagrangian for the system with the Hamiltonian 12m(→p+ec→A(→r))2
I think I have seen examples on curved space-time where the "classical" Lagrangian differs from what pops out in the exponent when the system is path-integrated.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2014-06-27 11:31 (UCT), posted by SE-user user6818