Background The semiclassical (weak noise, small D) limit of the Fokker--Planck equation
can be described in terms of the classical Hamiltonian
where v(x) denotes the drift. This procedure is described in Graham and Tél, Journal of Statistical Physics, 35, 729 (1984), and the resulting Hamiltonian is called the Freidlin--Wentzell (FW) Hamiltonian (although I can't find where in their book Random perturbations of dynamical systems it is discussed).
My problem I am concerned with an example with two degrees of freedom, written in complex notation as
with Poisson bracket
In this case the complex drift velocity v(z)=az+bz2 generates a Möbius transformation on z, with fixed points at z=0,−a/2b. Making the canonical transformation
with {ξ1,ˉξ2}=1, one finds that the quadratic part of the Hamiltonian (b=0) takes the form
which reveals the fixed point at z=0 to be a focus-focus singularity. I believe this is a general feature of the FW Hamiltonian.
ξ1=0, ξ2=0 are the stable and unstable manifolds (which is which depends on the sign of Rea) in the vicinity of the origin. ξ2=0 lies in the p=0 plane, corresponding to the drift under v(z) that connects the two fixed points, while the ξ1=0 manifold presumably connects to the other fixed point through p≠0, forming a heteroclinic cycle of order 2.
Can someone say something more about the nature of this separatrix? Is the system integrable (in which case a second conserved quantity would give us the separatrix immediately), or failing that, is the separatrix smooth?
Update The figure below shows some representative trajectories highly suggestive of a smooth separatrix. Here a=−0.2+5i and b=0.2. The z-axis is |p|. Möbius drifts in the p=0 plane between the two fixed points are followed by excursions out of the plane. The focus-focus singularities are clearly visible.

This post imported from StackExchange MathOverflow at 2014-11-07 11:21 (UTC), posted by SE-user Austen