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  Calculating time dilation on, inside and outside the earth

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Can you help me calculate how much these clocks would dilate from each other?

g = gravity of earth. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth

1. Clock at the center of earth experiencing 0 g.

2a. Stationary clock experiencing 0.5 g inside the earth.
2b. Stationary clock at 1 g on the surface of the earth.
2c. Stationary clock at 400 km away from the surface of the earth.
2d. Stationary clock experiencing 0.5 g.

3a. Orbiting clock inside the earth at 0.5 g.
3b. Orbiting clock just above the surface of the earth, at 1 g.
3c. Orbiting clock at 400 km altitude above the surface of the earth.
3d. Orbiting clock at 0.5 g.

4a. Clock starts at 0.5 g inside the earth, 0 velocity and falls freely(imagine a tunnel dug through the earth). Time should be measured every time the clock returns to its' original position.
4b. Clock starts at 1 g and 0 velocity and falls freely. Time should be measured every time the clock returns to its' original position.
4c. Clock starts at 0.5 g outside the earth, 0 velocity and falls freely. Time should be measured every time the clock returns to its' original position.

5. Theoretical clock infinitely far away at 0 g.

Assume no air resistance, no planetary rotation, no other orbital bodies and that the density of the earth is the same everywhere.

The frame of reference to which you compare all other clocks should preferably be number 1, the clock at the center of the earth but if you want to chose the stationary clock at the surface of the earth or another clock that is fine too.

Closed as per community consensus as the post is Not graudate-level physics
asked Dec 3, 2014 in Closed Questions by anonymous [ no revision ]
recategorized Dec 10, 2014 by Dilaton

This question is off-topic for PhysicsOverflow as PhysicsOverflow is strictly a graduate-level-only site while this question is high-school or undergraduate-level.

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