Recall a Dirac spinor which obeys the Dirac Lagrangian
The Dirac spinor is a four-component spinor, but may be decomposed into a pair of two-component spinors, i.e. we propose
and the Dirac Lagrangian becomes,
where σμ=(1,σi) and ˉσμ=(1,−σi) where σi are the Pauli matrices and i=1,..,3. The two-component spinors u+ and u− are called Weyl or chiral spinors. In the limit m→0, a fermion can be described by a single Weyl spinor, satisfying e.g.
Majorana fermions are similar to Weyl fermions; they also have two-components. But they must satisfy a reality condition and they must be invariant under charge conjugation. When you expand a Majorana fermion, the Fourier coefficients (or operators upon canonical quantization) are real. In other words, a Majorana fermion ψM may be written in terms of Weyl spinors as,
Majorana spinors are used frequently in supersymmetric theories. In the Wess-Zumino model - the simplest SUSY model - a supermultiplet is constructed from a complex scalar, auxiliary pseudo-scalar field, and Majorana spinor precisely because it has two degrees of freedom unlike a Dirac spinor. The action of the theory is simply,
where F is the auxiliary field, whose equations of motion set F=0 but is necessary on grounds of consistency due to the degrees of freedom off-shell and on-shell.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-03-04 16:08 (UTC), posted by SE-user JamalS