I'm studying geometrical approaches to locomotion at low Reynolds number by reading the article Geometry of self-propulsion at low Reynolds number by Alfred Shapere and Frank Wilczek and found a situation I'm not understanding from a mathematical point of view what is being done.
The idea itself is not that hard and I shall present it first to make things clear: we consider that a body inside a fluid is a three-dimensional subset of the fluid region and we consider the body's shape as a parametrization of its boundary by means of a function S:U⊂R2→R3.
In that case, the idea as I understand is to consider a sequence of such shapes t↦St parametrized by time (that is a curve of shapes) which just contain deformations with the shape "held fixed" and try to find a curve of rigid motions resulting from the deformations.
If one considers M the space of all shapes, this is a space of functions. A sequence of shapes will be one curve γ:I⊂R→M. Considering then the euclidean group in three-dimensions (that is, the group of rigid motions in R3) which we denote E(3) there is a natural right action of E(3) in M in which a shape is translated and rotated by some element g∈E(3). Indeed, if S∈M then S⋅g will be the function
Where the right action on the right side is the natural action of E(3) in R3. Given the space M then we can also consider the quotient M/E(3) where shapes related by rigid motions are considered equivalent.
If π:M→M/E(3) is the natural projection, (M,π,M/E(3)) has the structure of a principle bundle with structure group E(3) and the problem at hand becomes the problem of finding a connection which allows the horizontal lift of sequence of unlocated shapes (just deformations) into sequences of deformations and movements.
In page 7 of the document, the author considers infinitesimal deformations, from which he will describe a way to obtain the connection (which he calls the gauge potential). He defines then one infinitesimal deformation by parametrizing a sequence of unlocated shapes by
where S0 is one initial shape and s(t) is infinitesimal. He then says we can expand s(t) as
where wi is a "fixed basis of vector fields on S0". From one intuitive point of view I imagine that a tangent vector to M is equivalent to a vector field defined on the shape, so this makes sense.
Now, he considers the gauge potential as a vector field A with the property that denoting A˙S0(t)[S0(t)] the component of A at the point S(t) in the direction of ˙S0(t) this object belongs to the lie algebra of E(3), that is e(3) and we can find the curve of rigid motions R(t) by solving the equation
My doubt is then in what he does next: he considers this infinitesimal deformations S0(t) I gave and then he "expands the gauge potential" to second order in this way
where this v(t)=S′0(t). Now what is going on here? I simply cannot understand where this equation came from and what does it means. What is really happening here?
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-04-09 12:10 (UTC), posted by SE-user user1620696