The high energy behavior of all quantum field theories (QFTs) is essentially independent of the masses of its fundamental particles, since the latter are small compared to the energy scale. Thus they can be neglected numerically, leaving experimentally accessible scaling laws.
If one tries to do the same in the n-point functions of the theory one ends up with a theory having an additional scaling invariance - the dilatation becomes an additional symmetry. Under suitable (apparently weak) additional conditions the resulting field theory - called the scaling limit - is even conformally invariant, hence a conformal field theory (CFT).
In the scaling limit there is no notion of bound states or scattering states - the Green's functions have no poles but only branch cuts. Thus a scaling limit is a bootstrap theory, where all bound states are treated on the same footing.
Wilson's hadronic skeleton theory would in today's terms be the scaling limit of QCD, hence should be a conformal field theory with massless mesonic, baryonic, and nucleonic fields, whose scaling dimensions agree with those derived from QCD.
Note that, as for any asymptotically free theory, the renormalization of QCD introduces through dimensional transmutation a physical mass scale ΛQCD≈520MeV (not to be confused with any unphysical cutoff used in some renormalization schemes); see, e,g., (2.39) in Fischer. The Gaussian fixed point responsible for asymptotic freedom in the ultraviolet (UV) is given by the infinite mass limit ΛQCD→∞, while the hadronic skeleton theory is given by the non-Gaussian fixed point obtained in the massless limit ΛQCD→0. The properties of the latter theory are the result of nonperturbative, poorly understood infrared (IR) properties of QCD.
The multitude of local fields is generated (in any scaling limit, not just in hadronic skeleton theory) by taking the local limit of appropriate products of a generating set of fields at infinitesimally close arguments.
After all - infinitely many - local fields are collected, one distinguishes those that are not derivatives of other local fields as primary, calling the others secondary. The primary fields can be ordered by increasing scaling dimension; this places the most relevant fields first.
By truncating the field theory to fields of scaling dimension below some threshold only, one gets an approximation that is (to some extent) numerically tractable via a correspondingly truncated operator product expansion (OPE). The coefficients of this truncated OPE must satisfy very strong restrictions coming from the representation theory of the conformal group. In addition they must satisfy certain inequalities (unitarity constraints) that can be exploited.
No (rigorous) interacting 4D CFT is known at present, but this doesn't mean much as also no interacting 4D massive QFT is known. Thus the properties of the hadronic skeleton theory are still widely unexplored.
Relevant rigorous work is Bostelmann, and in 2D, Bostelmann et al. - Bostelmann et al..
For references about the conformal bootstrap see here, here, and here.
A paper by Witten (1984) called ''Skyrmions and QCD" mentions
although QCD is equivalent to a meson theory [...] it is an extremely complex and unknown theory with an infinite number of elementary fields
and gives more details about how QCD (at the time unknown to Wilson) is related to this quark-free hadronic theory whose high energy limit would be Wilson' hadronic skeleton theory.