I am trying to obtain the standard expressions for free fall in a constant and stationary gravitational field using stochastic mechanics. When the initial velocity of the particle is v0 we write the following equation for the subsequent Brownian movement
where p(x,t) is the probability that the particle is at position x at time t; and η(t) is the diffusivity of the particle in the gravitational field at time t. Assuming that the particle at t = 0 is at x = 0, we have that
where δ(x) is the Dirac delta function.
We consider a general form for the diffusivity given by
where n is a positive integer.
The solution of this problem is obtained with Maple using the Fourier transform and the result is

From this solution the expected position for the particle is
and the corresponding variance for the position at time t is
The classical trajectory for the particle is reconstructed according with
Then we have that
From this last expression the velocity of the particle at time t is
If we attempt to recover the classic expression
we need to choose that
My questions are:
1. Do you know some reference where all these computations can be found ?.
2. It is possible to use these results with the aim to describe the free fall as a real diffusion in a gravitational field?