As far as I know, the hamiltonian formulation is even more general than the lagrangian one, in the sense that you may not be able to find a lagrangian description for a particular system, which nonetheless can be treated in a hamiltonian framework. Remember how the hamiltonian formalism can be introduced: we define generalized momenta pk=∂L/∂˙qk and notice that
, where there is a sum on the indices r,s and where we have decomposed the kinetic energy as the sum of a term quadratic in the generalized velocities, one linear and a constant (as it can always be done, given holonomic constraints). The symmetric matrix {aks} is invertible so ˙qs=ϕs(q,p,t). All this to say that Lagrange equations can always be put in normal form:
We can define the hamiltonian H(q,p,t) via the usual Legendre transformations and derive Hamilton's equations of motion. Once we have developed the hamiltonian formalism, we can forget how we get there and treat the q's and the p's as independent variables. Is it possible to get back to Lagrange equations and prove the two formalisms are equivalent? Yes, but only under a very general condition: given the hamiltonian and hamilton's equations, it must be possible to express the ˙q's as functions of the canonical coordinates. If it is possible, define L=pk∂h/∂pk−H, where it is understood that now L is thought of as a function of (q,˙q,t). It can be proven from here that then Lagrange equations must also hold. So, no, not all mechanical systems have a lagrangian description since you may start from a hamiltonian and find out that the relations that give the ˙q's in terms of (q,p) are not invertible. The hamiltonian can be a very general function, not necessarily decomposable in a kinetic and a potential term. By the way,the total derivative of H is equal to its partial derivative with respect to time; so H is the energy only if H=H(q,p), that is the constraints do not depend on time.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2015-07-29 19:14 (UTC), posted by SE-user quark1245