To quote from the community faq:
Comments are intentionally short with a maximum of 600 characters [...]
When should comments be used?
Comments should be used for meta-discussion about a post which does not contribute to the content of the post directly. They are sometimes used to point out factual errors in a post, or to discuss subjective issues. Often, comments are used to address the user who created the post with a question or... well, comment.
Comments should not be used when creating an answer to a question. In that case it is best to submit an answer, or vote up the best answer if you already see it listed.
A comment of more than 600 characters length is most likely already half an answer and should be posted as such. If the comment limit really is too short to clarify details on the question/answer, the problem is possibly the post itself and not the limit. In that (hopefully rare) case it's probably better to invite the OP to a chat room. If you oppose to another answer, you can still post a new answer clarifying on that and leave a comment simply linking to your answer.
edit I see you're referring to comments on your own answer. For that case I suggest editing your answer, maybe quoting the objecting comment as well - the SE team is sometimes rather enthusiastic to delete longer comment discussions, although I think there is also a feature to automatically move longer discussion trails to chat.
This post has been migrated from (A51.SE)