Let us consider the AFM (antiferromagnetism) Heisenberg Hamiltonian:
in any dimension, in the square lattice. Say 1 spatial dim on a closed chain, 2 spatial dim with square lattice, 3 spatial dim with cubic lattice, etc.
The spin ˆSi can be integer or half-integer spin.
question 1: Do we have the ground states Neel order in any dimensions for this Hamiltonian?
question 2: Do we have the gapless spin wave in any dimensions for this Hamiltonian? Regardless the spin as integer or half-integer spin?
question 3: Do the Haldane gap phenomenon in any dimensions for this Hamiltonian? integer or half-integer spin?? (I know the energy gap occurs at the AKLT Hamiltonian for spin-1/2, but I doubt it is the case for this Heisenberg Hamiltonian.)