I want to submit a paper in the following new journal
I have already published in IsaacScientific journal, namely this paper:
The topic of the paper which I desire is the use of pointless topology (a theory that uses locales and frames instead of points to construct topological spaces) with reference to Loop Quantum Gravity. Since Loop quantum gravity uses spin networks and spinfoams as fundamental objects instead of points, I think it would make sense to think about a pointless representation. This will simplify the path integral for spinfoams. What the paper will have:
- Introduction
- A few basics of point-free topology
- Discussion (about the suitability of pointless topology in Loop Quantum Gravity)
That was just a suggestion about a paper; the topic might be little different from this.
I am still a novice in writing papers, but I am very interested in Theoretical Physics and I have good ideas for the paper content. Are there any people that can support me? Or are there other possibilities to contact with other researchers?