I have been recently reading "String theory and M theory: a modern introduction" of Becker et al. They consider type IIB string theory compactified on Calabi Yau threefold X with a nowhere vanishing (3,0) form Ω. They derive a bound (9.155, page 407) for volume V of brane wrapping a special Lagrangian submanifold Σ V≥e−K∣∫ΣΩ∣ where K is a certain function on the moduli space of Calabi Yau manifolds. Now my question is: can this bound be generalized for sigma models on Fano varieties (like CP2)? I am a mathematician and thus not quite interested in phenomenology (and dimensionality of spacetime). The question I have in mind is following conjecture: for any special Lagrangian torus Y in CP2 we have Vol(Y)≥4π23√3; I just wanted to find out whether it can be established physically.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2017-02-25 13:18 (UTC), posted by SE-user Aknazar Kazhymurat