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  Is there electrogravitational effect such as effect between a magnet and the earth ?

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There is a difference between  weights in weighing a strong magnet from different poles directions )unless my measuring have been fault) .
It is neither  from polarization ( because that polarization only increases the weight from every direction and doesn’t shows any difference between the weights) 

nor from earth magnetic field (because the earth magnetic applies Torque  and not Single force) .

What is the difference  from ?
I think and sure that it is gravitational . mentioned amount is carefully explained

In the article titled : «complex gravity». I will present that if necessary .
The theory not only is proven practically , but also explains the Black hole ionic eruption.
It is also forecasts  two jets for black hole. This is because the pressure of single electromagnetic ions(and electrons) which are separated due to big mass and spin of black hole and then attracted from that .



Closed as per community consensus as the post is not a real question
asked Mar 6, 2017 in Closed Questions by seyedmohammad mohammadi [ no revision ]
recategorized Mar 6, 2017 by Dilaton

This post is unclear and it does not really ask an answerable question.

Voting to close.

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