I'm reading about the Jiles-Atherton method to get the hysteris loop for a planar transformer I'm designing. A brief description of the method can be found here.
Jiles-Atherton requires at least 5 parameters which are the following:
- Saturation Magnetization: Ms[A/m]
- Weighting of anhysteretic vs. irreversible components: c [None]
- Mean field parameter (representing interdomain coupling): α [None]
- Scale for the magnetic field strength: a[A/m] or A[A/m]
- Hysteresis factor: k[A/m]
From all of these, the only one I can think can be acquired in just a couple of lines is Ms, using the relation between B and H.
But the others, for the papers I've read (this one, for example) is telling me I need at least a experimental setup and take measurements to stimate the parameters.
My question is: do I really need to make those measurements first? What if I don't have the transformer physically assembled yet, and I want to know what will the hypotethical B-H curve be, to stimate possible values for saturarion?
Thanks in advance for your valuable time!
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2017-07-05 16:21 (UTC), posted by SE-user Aquiles Páez