Suppose you have a one-dimensional quantum spin system with on-site Hilbert spaces S. Suppose there is an anti-unitary, anti-linear operator C on S inducing an anti-linear, anti-unitary operator CX on any HX:=⨂x∈XS.
In this situation one can define a partial transpose; namely consider disjoint subsets X1,X2⊂Z and let A=A1⊗A2 be a operator on HX1⊗HX2. Then define the partial transpose to be the C-linear extension of
(A1⊗A2)T1=(CX1A∗1CX1)⊗A2 .
Assume Ω is a injective translation invariant matrix product state symmetric under CZ. Consider two adjacent disjoint intervals X1,X2 and X=X1∪X2 and let L=min(|X1|,|X2|). Then
limL→∞Tr(ρT1XρX)=±limL→∞Tr(ρ2X)32 .
Here, if C implements C on the auxiliary space, the sign is +1 if C is a real structure and −1 if C is quaternionic.
1) Are some references to this? Is this known? I know that people have calculated some things with partial transposes in critical systems, but for gapped systems? There is of course the work by Shinsei Ryu et al, but they work with fermionic systems (which is my goal as well) and they don't seem to give proofs.
I want to conclude: since MPS states are dense in Hilbert space, the above then holds for all C-invariant states.
2) In going from the statement about MPS to general states: what could go wrong? For example, there is the problem of frustration, which i think plays no role here because i am considering pure states in the thermodynamic limit.
This post imported from StackExchange Physics at 2019-04-13 07:45 (UTC), posted by SE-user Lorenz Mayer